Minggu, 26 April 2009


Hahaha had fun with facebook quizes , i try to get my luckiness by took some quiz on facebook this night , and yeaah i got it =D . before done it , i feel so boring like usual so i turn on my notebook and play play play play over ..

When i looked around my friend links i found a nice quiz named “what female superstar mom/wife are you?” yeeaah i really addict with this quiz , just want to know what is the result , i took the quiz and answered and answered , and the result is ANGELINA JOLIE . woohoo ! this is the pict and the text said .
Rini completed the quiz "What female superstar mom/wife are you?" with the result Angelina Jolie.
You are driven by an urge to save the world or its citizens. Your family or friends are important but not as important as other less fortunate souls. Your partner is secondary to the needs of your cause or those less fortunate. You are impulsive and passionate, but you can sometimes lose loved ones due to your passionate nature. People are drawn to your mysterious and sensual nature but it can drive the people closest to you crazy. Be careful to not appear cold. .

Such fun,right ? but hey the quiz doesnt stop in there only, i took the quiz again , and for the second the name was “what will you meet Mr.Right?” hahahahahahahaa the tittle was so entertaining for me , and also the result ..
Rini completed the quiz "Where will you meet "Mr. Right"?" with the result University/College Campus.
You are most likely to meet your "Mr.Right" at your local University or College campus. Avoid guys with torn clothing, t-shirts with slogans and backwards ball caps. Instead, look for a guy who carries himself with pride, is sitting outside with his lap top but gazing around or a guy who always arrives to class early. Consider it a bonus if he is in his graduate year or is in a medical program (he'll be too busy to have another girl) or if he has his own apartment off campus and vehicle (that he pays for himself). Also consider it important to find the man who also has a job while attending college/university- this shows a level of motivation. This particular breed of man needs you to share in common goals and striking up a conversation based on mutual interests or program interests is always the way to go....Smile and let the journey begin! .

Hahahahahahaa okay we will see , is that true or just bull~shit .. what do you think ???

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